It wasn’t long ago that we published our Q1 Market Update, but since then there’s been a lot happening in both the markets & in the world in general.
Martin talks about the current state of markets, including a brief examination of the affect of COVID-19 and how the upcoming Presidential Election is influencing markets. There is also a look at the continuing presence of Brexit. Martin discusses how these factors drive investment strategies and reaffirms the importance of holding a diverse portfolio, that attempts to both protect your wealth and take advantage of what lies ahead.
At the close of the session, Martin hosts a live Q&A.
Martin Newson was formally among some of the top analysts at Goldman Sachs and a member of its European Stock Selection Committee. He has also run large equity divisions of major investment banks both in London and New York.
He provides the Optimus Capital and Skybound Investment Committees with valuable insights into the machinations of the stock market and economic climate.
This information expressed on the conference call are the opinions of GWM and Martin Newson, and are provided to you for informational purposes only. No guarantees are offered that the information presented will guarantee results. Investing involves risk including the loss of principal. No strategy can fully protect against market fluctuations.
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